Testimonials describe the impact SPIRIT NYS has on young lives.
Scroll down for another video about our work, by Constellation Energy.
Read a Franklin Student’s Letter Here
Testimonials describe the impact SPIRIT NYS has on young lives.
Scroll down for another video about our work, by Constellation Energy.
Read a Franklin Student’s Letter Here
Data provided by NYS. Homeless as a percent of the total student population is 4%. According to data provided by NYS, their homeless students drop out at 3x the rate of non-homeless.
During the 2022-2023 school year, SPIRITNYS helped over 40 homeless high school students at Franklin, North East, and Edison Tech in Rochester, NY. Year end results were positive, as students substantially improved their GPA, with 15 seniors graduating in Spring 2023. Additionally, three students received college scholarships, and students reported that SPIRIT NYS motivated them to keep their attendance up.
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